+++ Also, free shipping for once [yessss!] since I bought one of the Halloween special items. I got a practice finger, which I've been wanting to buy for a while so that worked out haha.
So that's the kit I bought. There's some pretty good reviews about it, plus ibd is always in my Japanese nail magazines. I'm so sick of acrylic, it just messes up my nails and doesn't come out nicely. So I've been wanting to try out gel for a while, like I think I said. I still want to play with my acrylic and molds, but not acrylic overlay, because it's a pain in the butt!
And the practice finger, lol.
In total, it was $35.07, since the ibd kit happened to be on sale, whoot! It was $29.99, marked down from $34.99. :)
Charles and I signing out. ...Now he's attacking my boyfriend's Dir en grey poster and crying. My boyfriend's pets are always so weird!!