Saturday, June 25, 2011

67. Daiso Lashes Haul

Hey hey~ I finally went to Daiso yesterday and picked up some lashes among other things. Here's a quick review and pictures of the lashes I bought! :)

"A" Daily Cross Type Lashes

Super cute packaging, and comes with 2 pairs!

I'm wearing them on the left side paired with Maybelline Pulse Perfecting mascara

Please excuse my uneven eyes LOL

I'm liking these a LOT more than the normal Tsukematsuge they have in the pink packages. 

Nice, sturdy quality
 Comes with 2 pairs instead of 1 like the original pink Daiso lashes
 Same price as single pair lashes sold at Daiso at only $1.50!
 Adorable packaging, very eye-catching.
 4 different types of lashes
 Dramatic, yet subtle enough for everyday use

Overall I'm really loving these! They're not as comfy as Dolly Wink lashes, but I don't have to worry about ripping them so easily! And you really can't beat $1.50, you just can't. I'm not really liking the lashes with this mascara because I don't find them to blend very well. I'm going to try these again without mascara and simply curling my lashes into the falsies and see what happens. :)

Sorry my hair is in the way haha!

4 different types: (A) Daily Cross (B) Natural Straight (C) Volume Long (D) Volume Cross

I also bought an extra "C" for myself, but I'm more curious about "B"!

That's all for now... gotta get ready for work noo~!

Until next time,



  1. What?! I feel like they don't do anything for you! You already have amazing lashes that are basically as long as those lashes!!! O___O

    Anyways, you're gorgeous! XDDD and you have amazing lashes! *MAD JELLY!!*

  2. wow they are so affordable!

    I absolutely LOVE UR EYE COLOUR!! and omg you got super long lashes >___< So jealous ='(

    Just can't stop staring at your eyes lol! =P

  3. hallo lovely gal(๑◕‿←๑)
    i just found your Blog☆彡
    and i think it is so cute and interesting!(´艸`)
    may i follow you?
    you can have a look on my blog too!
    i would be very happy about it!(◎>∀<◎)
    have a nice day (๑◕ܫ◕☆彡)

  4. Those look really nice on you. For $1.50, I think I'd choose these over Dolly Wink which can be quite pricy.
    I just found your blog and really like it and enjoy reading your reviews.
    Following you now

  5. I agree with Joey. For the price and quality, I'd choose them over Dollywink, I think, as far as everyday lashes go.

    And actually, I think these blended fairly well with the mascara, when side-by-side with the 'un-falsied' lashes. I am admittedly quite curious about the other types, though.


  6. P.S. I answered your question about your Luna lenses on Soompi, but I figure Blogger likely does email notifications, so you might see it here more quickly:
    ~ ~ ~
    They look to be from the same series as the Barbie King Size Black ( (aka. G&G/Dueba Luna King Black). (See them modeled here: .) As for the series name(s), I believe on Fobby Barbie, this series is also listed as the 'Gorgeous series'. That's sorta' correct: you can find this as the 'Gorgeous.i Luna series' (
    Gorgeous.i is a 'brand' that OEMs G&G/Dueba lenses. You'll see several other popular series ( under their label with different names. (There's the Gorgeous.i Floral series, the Gorgeous.i Kido series, etc.) ~~ On a related note, the 'Gorgeous.i Luna' series looks rather a bit like the G&G/Dueba GBT series (pics: and

  7. only $1.50 =0 SWEET~

    very cute and flirty =]
    && you have such pretty eyes~ love the color =D

  8. UHHH WTF I SWEAR I COMMENTED ON THIS. I love the lashes on you. natural ones never seem to show up on me at all. My eyes just eat them up ; 3 ;

  9. Your eyes are such a pretty color!! omggg I'm jealous~ >< the eyelashes look really good on you!~

    I gave you a blog award! ^^
